978-0-9966191-4-1 CISSP video course
If you find errors please email cissperrata@expandingsecurity.com
Easter egg prizes for the CISSP video course.
- This is for fun.
- You do not need to be pefcet.
- We reserver the right to stop due to misbehavior.
- Send email
- iwantmycissp at expandingsecurity.com
- Subject: “EE” + topic (from beginning of video)
- Body: What you you saw or answer to question
- Prizes to 2nd, 7th, 17th, 29th, 41st, 53rd, 67th,…
- Can you see the pattern? Then you can keep playing the game.
- Prizes include pocket protectors, toys, snacks, and books.
- The more difficult the easter egg , the bigger the prize!
- Major errata finds also count for 1st person to find them.
- There are over 20 Easter eggs to find, some are silly.